Entrepreneurship Center - Ensanche Building
As part of its activity, Bilbao Ekintza has a network of spaces focussed on the service and promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular in those sectors or areas of smart specialisation identified by the city (creative industries, advanced services, digital economy and tourism).
Of particular importance in this respect is the Entrepreneurship Center, a centre of reference for the training, guidance and comprehensive counselling of entrepreneurs located in the Ensanche Building. In combination with the network of incubators or Auzo Factories, it forms the best and most complete offer for those businesses and projects starting out or in the early stages of growth.
At Bilbao Ekintza we also manage the Bilbao Arena, a space of reference in the city for holding events. Concerts, festivals, or smaller-scale cultural and business events are all catered for in this modern avant-garde space.
Lastly, the offices of Bilbao Ekintza and its Tourist office are a reference for the deployment of our services for tourists and for our other publics: Business, shops or entrepreneurs.