Business Promotion:

  • We promote the development of skills and competencies for entrepreneurship and professional training adapted to the needs and opportunities of companies.
  • We promote the attraction, creation and growth of companies generating economic activity and employment in Bilbao, prioritizing intervention in strategic sectors for the city.
  • We work in the attraction of MICE events (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) and we facilitate the development of filming and audiovisual productions in Bilbao and Bizkaia.

Strategic projects:

We collaborate with citizens and companies to be able to transform the knowledge that comes from the data and to collaborate and listen to their needs in projects that are designed from a principle of complementarity and contribution of public/social value. In this way we can reach young people under 30 years of age, unemployed people and entrepreneurs to improve their employability and promote entrepreneurial culture; companies and businesses by improving their competitiveness in different projects… especially in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods:

  • Through different collaboration agreements with private agents that improve the employability of people, the conditions of businesses, the situation of migrants, etc.
  • Through coordination, collaboration and joint work between public systems at local level in the field of socio-labour inclusion to increase their efficiency and achieve better results for users.
  • Supporting the Social and Solidarity Economy as another way of being a company and doing economy, an instrument of social intervention at the service of the community as a municipal public policy in collaboration with all SSE agents, making the SSE and its agents visible among citizens to promote their knowledge and modification of their behaviour in terms of living, working and consumption habits… healthier, more sustainable and responsible.

Turism, Events and Retail:

  • We seek to increase the contribution of tourist activity to the economy of the city, seeking to attract and increase the satisfaction of the people who visit Bilbao.
  • We support the improvement of trade competitiveness, developing specific programs and projects of dynamization in collaboration with the agents of the sector.
  • We support the development of reference events in Bilbao as a key piece for the dynamization of the local economy.

If you want more information, you can contact us by following this link.